Latest page is up, along with some errors corrected in the previous two pages (41 & 42). I will be off for a week from work so I'll be working on the animation during this time (it will hopefully be up by next week Wednesday). Also some new additional pages downloads and bonus section, all for the additional content that will be coming soon.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Page 41 & 42 uploaded
Page 41 and 42 is up making today a double update, we'll be back to normal next week. Been having some feedback about the site saying it's user friendly (thanks it's always good to know about what you think on the site). Also some shout outs (as promised) Hello Ash thanks for reading so far :D.
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Page 40 uploaded
Page 40 is up. Also during the week there were some changes made to the site which stopped the cropping on the page strips and also changes made to the navigation bar (which originally stopped you from clicking on certain links in the comic archive and gallery). So hopefully now the site is better to use and view for everyone. There is also a new image up in the gallery fanart section.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
There have been some feedback saying that the site's comic was cropped on the left hand side.

Well it's now been sorted (little change made to the margin and padding in the CSS). So it should now be crop free for everyone to view.

Update: The navigation bar has also been changed slightly, which means you can click on images in the gallery and the links for the first chapter. Good work and all in time before I actually go to work as well.
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Page 39 uploaded
Page 39 is up. About the animation we'll be getting a friend of ours to work on the music part of it as well.
That is all.
That is all.
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Page 38 uploaded and site statistics so far.
The new page is up and now some site statistics! We are nearing 10,000 page views in just 3 months (Thank you all), March was the busiest month contributing a majority of the page views (4,928). Also the most popular browser used for the site is firefox. May as well add the country which visits the most and that is United States (followed by U.K, Denmark, Canada and Netherlands (this is the top 5)).
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Page 37 uploaded
Latest page is up guys, and we are nearly coming to the end of chapter 2 which will (hopefully) finish off with a little animation. With that in mind we'll most likely take a break for a short time to work on the story etc.
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Page 36 uploaded
Not much to really mention, just a new page upload.
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