Sunday, 31 July 2011

Page 74 & 75 uploaded

Double update again, this is becoming quite a trend now. Also new fanart by the lovely Amaha-Masane. Koma would also like to thank people who have sent there condolences on his recent job lose as well. Thank you guys.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Page 73 uploaded

Just the one page today guys. As you may or may not have heard Koma lost his job during the week :( that's the bad part about it, on the other hand he has more time to work on the comic. That's really all there is to say about it.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Page 71 and 72 uploaded

As promised the updates continue as usual from today onwards, sorry for the lack of updates during the past week but myself and Samani were both really busy with our jobs that we couldn't find the time to update as usual, but it's all taken care for now and everything will be back to normal for now.
Seeing as how it's Sunday, it's time for a double Sunday! pages 71 and 72 are now up along with the "fanner" that Vicky made for last weeks update (added to the gallery), the about page has been edited as well with a bit more info about Ripchord and the character bio's section has been moved to it's own separate page... That's about it for today, don't forget we still accept the fanner's for the sites updates as well!

Monday, 18 July 2011

Triple update pages 68 69 & 70

Sorry for the lack of updates this week, we've both been working full time during the past week and this week as well. The chapter should be coming to a close by the end of the month! So for now there are 3 additional pages to view, also we are accepting fan banner's for the page updates just email either myself or Samani about it... More then likely to get a response quicker from myself as Samani is working two separate jobs at the moment. It's best to say that the updates will be moved to Monday for the time being.
Thanks Vicky for the new banner as well!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Page 66 and 67 uploaded

Hey guys as promised we have a double update today! So here's both pages 66 and 67.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

No new page update sorry!

Hey guys sorry but there's going to be no update this Wednesday, we're both busy with work related stuff so it'll have to wait till Sunday... But fear not Sunday will be a double update to cover for Wednesdays. We do have an in-between page for chapter 3's pages 6 and 7 with some new pictures for your viewing pleasure along with a new wallpaper. Finally would you kindly check out this as well, any donation would help them at this moment in time. Thanks!
As for the next two to three weeks the site updates will more then likely take place on a Sunday due to Sama having more then the average share of work hours as well... Just a little heads up on that one.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Page 64 and 65 uploaded

Another double update this weekend folks, you lucky people you! Pages 64 and 65 are up now for your viewing pleasure! Also we are accepting fan-banners! See the things that you usually see on the front page that link you to the latest page? Well you too can make them and we'll put it on the site for that update! No level of quality is needed just make sure it fits the dimension requirement (600 x 150) and send it to us in one way or another and it will be up there. We'll be sure to mention you and your site/details as well! So it's like free advertisement, sort of...