Saturday, 27 August 2011

Page 82 uploaded

Chapter 3 has finished with an nice animation to close it up. Well done Connor on working hard on the animation. Not sure as of yet if chapter 4 will start on Sunday as Connor has some commissions on at this time and he may be taking a short hiatus, so we'll keep you posted on that with either a tweet, facebook update or blogger update.
In other news we ended up having an airhocky match down the arcades in Mumbles in honour of Ripchord, it ended up close with a score of 6 - 7... Connor won the match.

Anyway enjoy the latest update and thanks for your patience with this update.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Page 76 77 & 78 uploaded

Sorry for the no update yesterday guys (we went to see Captain America, when we got back it was late). Anyway triple update today, we also have a new Fanner for the update, done by Leslie Ortego artist of Blasternation. That's all for today folks!